The Story
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Nancy and Louis first crossed paths over a decade ago at their former parish. Back then, Nancy was always busy juggling roles as a teacher and music director. Louis, on the other hand, was rocking a Justin Bieber haircut that might have been more "like baby, baby, baby noooooooo” for her.

Fast forward a few years: while Louis was off navigating the college jungle, Nancy was in California exploring a potential vocation as a religious Sister with the Lovers of the Holy Cross. Upon her return to Houston in 2017, Nancy took on the role of caregiver to her father until he passed away. 
He remains forever in our hearts.
Let's reconnect!

As fate would have it, Nancy reconnected with Louis at her housewarming party. By now, he’d traded in his Bieber 'do for a more mature look. Louis was now a globe-trotting geophysicist who humorously claimed that he was searching for bombs—an amusing take on his work.
Their paths crossed again in the midst of the COVID pandemic. Nancy, ever the efficient problem-solver, “voluntold” Louis to substitute teach her Confirmation class via Zoom. Louis, ever the adaptable soul, found a new home and heart at Ascension Chinese Mission, joining Nancy in Youth and Music Ministry.

Over the next few years, Louis and Nancy’s friendship blossomed. Louis became Nancy’s guitar-carrying sidekick and cheerleader, even when Nancy’s stress levels made her a bit bossy. Despite this, Louis’s patience and love never wavered. Nancy was not used to such constant care and grace.

Their connection deepened as they commiserated over dating app misadventures, shared similar values, and even found themselves reading the same book, "Awakening Love." Little did they know that this close friendship was laying the groundwork for something more profound.

Five Minutes.
The turning point came when Louis, ready to venture into dating again, sought Nancy’s advice. Her straightforward suggestion—“Why not see if any of your single friends are interested?”—was a bit of a setup. Unbeknownst to them, Nancy was one of those “single friends.”

Louis had a rather lengthy chat with Ariel (the Matron of Honor) about this. She waited patiently for the right time to say “It sounds like you like Nancy!” This revelation named this new chapter for them. By this time, they had already spent much more time praying, hanging out and sharing more about themselves with each other. Therefore it made sense to Louis' (and soon Nancy's) brain that dating would be the next step.

Working from home at Ariel’s place, Louis nervously asked Nancy if they could talk.  Nancy, the boss lady that she is, inquired if it could be done in five minutes and Louis definitely needed more than five minutes. Nancy closed her laptop at the end of the workday to give him her full attention. Louis took a deep breath and asked if she’d consider discerning the romantic side of their relationship.

Nancy pragmatically asked how this would change things. 
And well... you can see from their breathtaking engagement photos in Yosemite that things, in fact, change.
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